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Spice Masters

Japanese 7 (Togarashi Shichimi)

Japanese 7 (Togarashi Shichimi)

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This Togarashi Shichimi Blend No.16 is like a samurai's secret weapon for your taste buds, my culinary ninjas - a brilliant, centuries-old septet of chilli, citrus peels, and aromatic spices that's been lovingly crafted to transform your humble noodles and grilled fish into a flavour-packed Tokyo street food extravaganza, promising to turn your midweek meals into a proper Japanese flavour festival that'll have you wielding chopsticks like a master chef.

Full Description

Japanese 7 Spice Blend No. 16 – Also known as Shichimi Togarashi, dates back to at least the 17th Century and is traditionally used to flavour soups, noodles and grilled meats.

As well as being flavoursome, it is hot too and whilst we normally tone down the heat in our blends we felt it really needed to be balanced with enough heat to make it more in line with its heritage.

Don’t worry it won’t blow your head off but sit rather as an undertone in the background which really lifts the ingredients of this spice blend.  Whilst it does work with many meats it does seem to work particularly well with fish on the BBQ.

Used with noodles it can take your mid week quick dish to another level, Dave will often cook chicken noodles on a night when the kids are disappearing off here there and everywhere, as it can be whipped up in as little as 15 to 20 minutes.

Ingredients & Allergies

Ingredients (Allergies in bold): Chilli, Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Black Sesame Seed, White Sesame Seed, Sichuan Peppercorns, Ginger, Seaweed

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