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Starting Fresh - David

Let's face it: we all know deep down that eating healthier is the way to go.  So, here's the deal: I got tired of all the junk food, the easy-to-grab meals, and the too-often visits to fast food establishments. I knew it's not good for me, but cooking anything that did not come in a jar seemed tricky at best.  I'd watch chefs on TV, but they were cooking things that looked like they took an age to make and had lots of ingredients I did not have to hand? Not as easy as I thought but I persevered.  And I know life's busy for everyone, right? But over the years I’ve figured out quick ways to whip up better food.


To be honest this whole cooking thing? It totally took me by surprise. I started loving it more and more, and soon, it wasn't just about cooking; it became my thing. Sharing this love for cooking with others makes it all the better.

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Meeting Mac

Then there's Mac, our boys both played for the same local team, that’s how we met.  He’s a chef who's been in the game for 30 years plus. This guy knows his stuff, especially about spices and making food taste out-of-this-world good. He was happy to share and showed me tricks and tips that changed the game for me. And spices? I thought I knew about mixing them, but Mac was on a whole other level.  Not only that, but he’s also unassuming and humble about just how good he is.  He has a passion for cooking and shares by the bucket load.

Our Big Idea

Together, we started this little business focusing on hand-blended spices because, let me tell you, the right spices can turn even the simplest meal into something amazing. We all know that fast food and ready meals aren't the best for us, packed with stuff we can't even pronounce. But we've grown up addicted to easy lazy food.  But even when life's a whirlwind, we can still make something fresh and cut down on the not-so-good stuff.  The trick to great food is flavour balance and that's something Mac has learnt from over 30 years of experimenting.

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Sharing the Love

We're all about sharing what we know and love. We want you to get in on this, to cook meals that are better for you and taste incredible. We put out all our recipes and cooking tips for free, hoping it'll inspire you to get cooking with some fresh ingredients.


In every spice mix we make, every recipe we share, there's a piece of our heart. It's not just about the blends its about better food. We want to encourage you to learn and cook your own ideas and share the love of good food.  It's about making something that brings people together, makes them happier, and healthier. We believe, deep down, that what we're doing here can make a real difference. One meal at a time, we're changing the world from our kitchen to yours.

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